Saving the Sea Turtles with Fundacao Principe

An update on our partner Fundacao Principe’s work on Principe Island

Thanks to our partner, Fundacao Principe the team have been working structuring and organising the strategy for the 2021-2022 sea turtle nesting season!

Saving the Sea Turtles with Fundacao PrincipeIn August, a public presentation of the results of 2020-21 season was held, together with the regional government and local partners who congratulated the team on the work carried out on behalf of the sea turtles and the communities, ending with the official opening of the new nesting season!

It gets better: this summer, the permanent team of monitors received training in translocation and management of turtle nests on the beach, and by September this year, more than 15 community members were hired to support as temporary monitors. The regional government further strengthened the team by hiring four 4 new members to be focal points in their own communities with the highest incidence of illegal turtle hunting. The team spent a few days training before beginning their work activities on the beaches!

However, despite the teams’ efforts to work with the new Trident underwater drone, it was not possible to carry out the activities and training as planned, because the drone is still in transit. The coordination continues to wait for updates and as soon as equipment arrives on the island, training and information gathering as previously organised will begin!

Saving the Sea Turtles with Fundacao PrincipeDespite this challenge, the team took the opportunity to strengthen its capacities and carry out the skills and good practices of eco-tourism during the training of ‘Conscious Tourism for visits to sea turtles in Principe Island’. The training was carried out by several members of the Protetuga Project team. The local guides also had the opportunity to visit the Kaxi Tetuga Museum and learned about how they can act to preserve sea turtle species with Fundacao Principe’s team.

But what does this all mean? Well, the Protetuga project is a sea turtle conservation programme co-ordinated by our partner Fundacao Principe, in partnership with their regional government, regional authorities and national and international partners around the world! That includes us!

The vision for the project is to make the island of Principe a sanctuary for sea turtles and a worldwide example of conservation and protection for these species. By integrating local communities in the protection of sea turtles, making them understand why they have more benefits in protecting and conserving these species, and getting everyone to contribute to the beaches and waters will be a safer place for sea turtles.

Over the next three years will be supporting Fundacao Principe’s vital work to increase the capacity of their team by integrating more of the local community into their conservation work, ensuring the long-term protection of sea turtles on the island of Principe.

To find out more about Fundacao Principe’s work click here.


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