Support Lion Rescue 2!

The award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park and Wildlife Foundation have won the race against time to save four war-traumatised Ukrainian lions.

The park has now offered a new home to mum Aysa and her three 15 month-old cubs, Emi, Santa, and Teddi, at its Lion Country.

The rescued lions spent nine months in a holding facility in Poland having escaped Russian bombs. The only space available was indoors and the youngsters grew up without seeing the sky or having the stimulation of the outside world.

Having crossed six countries and travelled 2,000 miles they finally arrived at their safe haven in Yorkshire.

Aysa, from a private collection in the Donetsk region, was abandoned as Russian invaders occupied Ukraine, leaving her and other animals alone, malnourished and stressed by bombings. She was rescued and taken to an interim sanctuary in Kiev where she gave birth to three cubs before they were all moved to the safety of the temporary facility in Poland.

Since escaping Ukraine, Aysa has been separated from her cubs as they were held in adjacent 15 ft square concrete holding pens in Poznan Zoo in western Poland. They were finally loaded onto a lorry on to be driven the 1,000 miles to Yorkshire and caught the ferry between Calais and Dover before arriving at Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

After spending their first few weeks being evaluated and rehabilitated by the staff at YWP,  the lions have now been released to explore their new home of Lion Country.

Funds raised will be used to support Yorkshire Wildlife Park by helping with the Ukrainian lions’ veterinary care, rehabilitation and supporting future emergency animal rescues from Ukraine and other disaster areas


Help give these war-traumatised lions a fresh beginning

The Wildlife Foundation, which is based at the 175-acre park, has been successful in rescuing four war-traumatised lions from Ukraine. Trustee Cheryl Williams said: “We’re pleased to have offered these lions a safe new home after they were subjected to horrific conditions due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine. With them now in their new safe haven at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, we look forward to seeing them enjoy the fresh air and the outside world for the very first time.”


“We want these gorgeous lions to have a fresh beginning at the park, we appreciate that times are tough, but we hope that the public will support us through donations that will be used to pay for their rehabilitation and veterinary care.”

DONATE by text

To donate £1, text LION to 70201
To donate £3, text LION to 70331
To donate £5, text LION to 70970
To donate £10, text LION to 70191


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all funds will be directed towards this emergency appeal.

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