Support the world’s tallest mammal on World Giraffe Day 2018

Less than 100,000 remaining in all of Africa!

That’s the devastating reality for the giraffe right now with a 40% overall decline of populations since 1985.

Listed as “Vulnerable” to extinction on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, you can do your bit to support the world’s tallest mammal on World Giraffe Day 2018.

Taking place on Thursday 21st June 2018, there are multiple ways to pledge your support.

Our partners, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) stock a variety of special World Giraffe Day t-shirts with 50%-70% of the proceeds going to the organisation. Click here to shop their collection.

Alternatively, you can make a donation to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation by clicking here. All donations are welcome with £3.50 enough to provide food for a ranger in the field for one day, £19 enough to pay for batteries for GPS units to monitor giraffe and £190 enough to pay for a digital camera (including GPS) to help rangers identify giraffe and track their movements.

Do Your Bit

Don’t forget, you can also do your bit to support the giraffe by donating here via WildLife Foundation. Click the button below to donate today.

With your help, we can try to ensure that this marvellous species survives long into the future.


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