Run for WildLife Foundation at Doncaster Half Marathon

The Doncaster Half Marathon is taking place on 9th June 2019, come join in the challenge and make the world a better place for animals all at the same time!

The Half Marathon course takes a scenic route through open country side and along wide roads, the end is made even sweeter as you cross the finish line in style at The Keepmoat Stadium. The route doesn’t have any scary hills so it’s a perfect time for those experienced runners to aim for a PB, or less experienced runners to have a go at their first half-marathon. Look out for unique features along your way, including the Yorkshire Wildlife Park itself which is positioned near the running route.

Run for YWP Foundation this year and stand side-by-side with some of the world’s most at risk species, helping to ensure magnificent creatures such as the critically endangered Amur leopard and blue-eyed black lemurs continue to survive long into the future. The money you raise will be split between crucial projects all around the world, from Madagascar to Argentina. Join a large community of people who support and champion the Foundation, all with the common interest in saving our planet and its wildlife.

Take a look at some of the recent projects YWP Foundation have pledged their support to, so you know the sort of work all your hard-earned funds will be helping to enable:

  • Saving endangered lemurs in Madagascar – YWP Foundation have given a grant to AEECL as we work together tirelessly to save lemurs in areas of slash-and-burn land clearing. The project is building a new school, research centre and buildings to house research workers.
  • Support a poop-sniffing dog who is helping map out a giant wildlife sanctuary in Argentina – WildLife Foundation are delighted to support Earther in their project to map and manage wildlife sanctuaries using dogs’ keen sense of smell to identify animal excrement, especially endangered big cats.
  • Building security capacity to protect black and white rhinos at Ol Jogi Conservancy in Kenya – WildLife Foundation have assisted with building the security capacity to support rangers, so they can help maintain and enhance the protection of the Conservancy’s black and white rhino populations.

With so many species under threat these days, it’s difficult to know where to place your time and energy. YWP Foundation have worked around the world supporting organisations and projects on every continent (except Antarctica so far), so you know by running for them on 9th June that not a penny raised by your tireless training will go to waste.

It couldn’t be easier to raise money for YWP Foundation by taking part of the Doncaster Half Marathon, simply sign up to race and go to our Just Giving page. All you have to do then is run the half-marathon…!


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