Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k participants clock up over 7,000 kilometres

We’d like to say a massive congratulations to our awesome Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k team!

From Friday 30th March to Sunday 29th April, 143 team members each laughed in the face of completing 30k in 30 days to clock up a fantastic overall distance of 7,107.69 kilometres.

Well done to each and every one of you who walked, jogged, ran and even swam your way to 30k and in some cases, beyond!

According to the latest figures, over £2000 has been raised for Project Polar so far with that figure growing all the time.

We were thrilled to welcome participants not only from the UK but around the globe too including entrants from Australia, Canada, France, Mexico and the United States.

Even more impressive, several different generations of competitor took part too.

With the youngest competitor aged just six and the oldest at 76, six-year-old Abbie deserves an extra special mention for covering 30.7 kilometres while fundraising an amazing £210.

Other special mentions go to both Alison Nobbs and Claire Ashley who completed over 400 kilometres each, not forgetting Hayley, Amy, Nikki, Carly and Christine who all conquered over 200 kilometres each.

Thanks to your extraordinary combined efforts, you all pledged your unwavering support to supporting us in our ongoing battle to create a better world for polar bears as we look to lessen the devastating effects of global warming.

With every participant receiving a commemorative t-shirt to remember their efforts by, here’s a selection of the best photos from our heroic challengers.

Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k participants clock up over 7,000 kilometres

Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k participants clock up over 7,000 kilometres

Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k participants clock up over 7,000 kilometres

Run For Wildlife Virtual 30k participants clock up over 7,000 kilometres


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