MiniKicks raise £5,049 for Polar Bear conservation

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We would like to wish a huge congratulations and a massive thank you to MiniKicks for raising £5,049 for WildLife Foundation and Polar Bear conservation with the first (and certainly not the last) Polar Bear Toddlerthon.

Based in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, MiniKicks utilise sport as a medium to maximise development in key areas of this formative age group of 2 Years right through to 8 Years of age. Working in conjunction with WildLife Foundation’s International Polar Bear Day, MiniKicks organised hundreds of children to toddle around the world renowned Project Polar reserve here at Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

MiniKicks raised a fantastic total of £5049!

In doing so the children of MiniKicks have helped raise funds and awareness for an animal that’s vulnerability in the wild is growing by the year! To find out more about the work MiniKicks do, please click here.

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