Mini Kicks raise over £1000 for YWP Foundation to help endangered Amur Tigers

Joshua Key and his Mini Kicks team-mates roared into action to raise more than £1,000 to help save the endangered Amur Tigers from extinction.

The 4-year-old raised more than £100 himself to be the top fund-raiser from a day making sponsored tiger masks and visiting Yorkshire Wildlife Park, home to a family of the majestic animals.

Mini Kicks, a Doncaster-based sports scheme for kids aged 3 to 8-years-old pulled in an incredible £1,023 for the Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance (ALTA) Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Aleeksa, Russia with the help of the WildLife Foundation charity. Only around 500 Amur tigers are left in the wild and the Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s Foundation works closely with ALTA to support the centre, which helps injured or weak tiger cubs recover their strength and return to the wild.

Mini Kicks were guests at YWP, at Branton, near Doncaster, and they proudly handed over the cheque WildLife Foundation Trustee Cheryl Williams.

“It is an amazing amount to raise and it is great to know that they have been inspired by the efforts to save these majestic big cats. The money will be put to excellent use and it will help in the fight to preserve the Amur species.”


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