Giraffe Update with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation

The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF), one of YWP Foundation’s partner charities, has been doing some inspirational work recently for Giraffes. They’ve estimated that there are approximately now 111,000 giraffes remaining in Africa, this number has gone up slightly however this is also due to their improved methods of counting the population.

There are four different species of giraffe – Southern, Masai, Reticulated and Northern, with many subspecies branching off them. While Southern giraffes are doing well, the rest are in serious trouble.

West African giraffe return to Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve after 50 years of absence

In November of 2018, GCF along with Niger Government and Sahara Conservation Fund, achieved the first ever translocation of giraffes in Niger. The West African Giraffe, a subspecies of the Northern Giraffe, is a conservation success story as their numbers have rebounded to 600 from only 49 thirty years ago. Eight of these West African Giraffes were transported over 800 km in 48 hours to be safely reintroduced to the Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve in Niger, after an absence of almost 50 years.

Nubian Giraffe Conservation in Uganda

GCF in partnership with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (and other partners) have introduced a conservation programme specific to the Northern subspecies the Nubian giraffe. Their efforts have been rewarded as giraffe populations have doubled from 2 to 4 in the last four years. Their conservation progress is going from strength to strength as they begin to understand the movements and dynamics of the giraffes, as well as the threats. They involve the local community to help raise awareness around this Critically Endangered species. Due to concerted efforts Uganda is now home to over 1,650 Nubian giraffes, however this is still a precariously low number so requires ongoing monitoring.

Malawi Gains New Giraffe Population

GCF in a collaborative effort with African Parks and Malawi’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife, have succeeded in a monumental feat to establish a new giraffe population in Malawi after an absence of more than 100 years. In October 2018 13 giraffes were translocated to Majete Wildlife Reserve after a 2,500km road-journey from South-Africa. It’s an example of how collaborative partnerships can make a difference to saving populations and establishing new ones.

Conserving Namibia’s Desert-Dwelling Angolan Giraffe

GCF’s ongoing conservation initiative to monitor and conserve Namibia’s desert dwelling Angolan Giraffe is another success story. This long-term programme collects, collates and disseminates information about this particular subspecies of Giraffe, which is then used internationally for governments, NGOs, communal conservancies and CGF’s partners.

Khomas Environmental Education Programme (KEEP)

GCF has designed and implemented an Environmental Education Programme called KEEP to inspire and educate young Namibians to care for their environment. This targeted field-based EE programme aims to provide opportunities for youngsters to reconnect with nature, especially those in disadvantaged schools. During three years of implementation, so far over 6,600 students and 200 teachers have participated in KEEP.

New Office!

GCF have also now set up a permanent base to continue their hard-work from. They have moved into new offices, provided by an extremely generous donor. AND their beautiful new home runs from solar energy!

To help establish new inspirational projects and continue supporting current ones, donate to Yorkshire Wildlife Park today and help GCF and other partner charities to save endangered species all over the world.


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